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Salix OS 13.1 Alpha 1

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George Vlahavas mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis alpha pertama Salix OS 13.1. Salix OS merupakan distro berbasis Slackware:

Here’s Salix 13.1 alpha 1 in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors. Based on Slackware ‘Current’, it’s released so users can test new features and changes since the last release in the 13.0 series and also for developers to be able to easily install an up-to-date clean system without having to go through installing 13.0 and upgrading that afterwards. Here’s a list of changes since 13.0.2: new and improved GTK+ system tools; better out-of-the-box support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other languages; new artwork; added salix-man package that provides a manpage with an overview of administration commands; Brasero replaces Xfburn; Parole replaces Totem; Viewnior replaces Ristretto; added Pitivi non-linear video editor….

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