Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis TinyCore Linux 2.5

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Robert Shingledecker mengumumkan rilis Tiny Core Linux 2.5, distribusi linux (sangat) minimalis yang hanya berukuran +- 10MB ini menyajikan kernel 2.6, busybox, Tiny X, dan FLTK toolkit.

Tiny Core continues to get smaller and faster. Change log for 2.5: updated rebuildfstab for speed improvement; updated tc-config and tc-functions for NFS-PXE support; updated tce-load and tc-config with cp construct replaces tar pipe and rsync, speed improvement; updated tc-config for Microcore + no wbar = no X bug; updated exittc now norestore will uncheck the default backup option; re-implemented /opt/tce boot-time support; updated flwm system menu with transparent shell options; added home/tc/.wmx to /opt/.xfiletool.lst to protect basic system menu….

Silahkan membaca changelog untuk informasi detail mengenai rilis ini.

Unduh: tinycore_2.5.iso (10.4MB, MD5)

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