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Rilis PC-BSD 9.0-RC3

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Kris Moore mengumumkan ketersediaan kandidat rilis ketiga PC-BSD 9.0, distribusi desktop berbasis FreeBSD yang juga menawarkan bentuk live:

PC-BSDThe third (and hopefully last) release candidate for the upcoming PC-BSD 9.0 is now available. This release includes the latest FreeBSD 9.0-RC3 base, along with numerous bug fixes and enhancements. This is the first release available as both pre-built VirtualBox and VMware images. Each image includes the various guest tools pre-installed, ready for booting in the Virtual environment of your choice. This release also includes a new graphical boot-loader for fresh installations. Notable changes in this release: fixed the default KDE wallpaper and desktop theme; added option to skip performing system upgrades at boot-up….

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