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Rilis PC-BSD 8.2 RC1

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Kandidat rilis pertama PC-BSD 8.2, sistem operasi berbasis FreeBSD untuk desktop telah dirilis dan siap untuk dites:

PC-BSDThe PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of the first release candidate for PC-BSD 8.2. Version 8.2-RC1 contains a number of enhancements, improvements, and bug fixes in response to previous 8.2 testing snapshots. Some of the notable changes are: Updated to FreeBSD 8.2-RC1; fixed issue detecting the proper video card driver; fixed some crashes when adding new users / groups; added /sbin/nologin as a shell choice in the user manager; let created users have a homedir of /nonexistant via the GUI; fix customizing desktop languages when using a () in the description. Everyone is encouraged to test this beta and to report any bugs to the testing mailing list.

Untuk detail lebih lengkap anda dapat membaca pengumuman rilis, catatan rilis dan changelog.


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