Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7r1

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Alan Baghumian mengumumkan rilis build terbaru Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7, distribusi berorientasi desktop dalam bentuk Live DVD berbasis Debian testing branch dan menampilkan lingkungan desktop GNOME 2.32.1:

Parsix GNU/LinuxThe first updated version of Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7, code name ‘Raul’, is available now. This version comes with updated GTK+, Grisbi, GNU Iceweasel and Chromium browser packages. It also merges all the published security updates into a new set of ISO images. You can easily update your existing systems using APT. Major components: Linux kernel, X.Org Server 1.7.7, GNU Iceweasel 7.0.1, Chromium 13.0.782.220, OpenOffice.org 3.2.1, glibc 2.11.2, GParted 0.8.1, GIMP 2.6.8, Grisbi 0.8.8, VirtualBox 4.0.4, VLC 1.1.3….

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