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Rilis PapugLinux 11.1

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Sylvain Balbous mengumumkan rilis PapugLinux 11.1, distribusi Live CD minimalis berbasis Gentoo yang menampilkan window manager Fluxbox, beberapa tool pengembangan dan beberapa aplikasi version control system:

PapugLinuxPapugLinux 11.1 is available for download, this is a major release in term of package updates. We choose to focus our additions on development tools for this version. The great Python language comes in 2 versions (2.7 and 3.1) and we also include Subversion and the very popular Git as version control systems. This could make PapugLinux a great bundle to start to learn Python or simply browse the open-source projects all over the world. The live running mode uses new tools and another compression format, this results in more content in a smaller size.

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