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Rilis openSUSE 11.4 Milestone 3

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Will Stephenson mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis milestone ketiga openSUSE 11.4:

openSUSEDelayed by a week due to a critical bug, the openSUSE project today announces openSUSE 11.4 Milestone 3 (M3), the third of six milestone releases of what will become openSUSE 11.4. The bug, a crash in the software rasterizer of the Mesa OpenGL stack, was found by our automated test suite and the openSUSE X.Org developers swung into action so that KDE would work on systems without hardware acceleration. M3 includes GNOME 2.32 on the desktop, including metacontact support in the Empathy instant messenger and Banshee 1.8 with Amazon MP3 store plugin, KDE 4.5.3, and a number of independent updates.

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