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Rilis MeeGo 1.0

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MeeGo merupakan proyek open source Linux yang merupakan gabungan Moblin yang diprakarsai Intel dan Maemo yang diprakarsai Nokia menjadi sebuah proyek bersama yang menargetkan penggunaan pada netbook dan device mobile lainnya. Versi 1.0 yang merupakan versi inaugurasi telah dirilis

MeeGoToday we are announcing the project release of MeeGo 1.0. This release provides developers with a stable core foundation for application development and a rich user experience for netbooks. It includes: instant access to your synchronized calendar, tasks, appointments, recently used files and real-time social networking updates; aggregation of social networking content; Google Chrome or Google Chromium; easy-to-use applications for email, calendar and media player; highly optimized for power and performance. Software: Linux kernel 2.6.33; DeviceKit and udev for interacting with hardware devices; modern graphics stack including Kernel Mode Setting, non-root X; Btrfs as the default file system….

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