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Rilis Lubuntu 10.04 Beta 3

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Julien Lavergne mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis beta ketiga Lubuntu 10.04, distribusi berbasis Ubuntu yang menyajikan desktop environment ringan LXDE:

Lubuntu 10.04 Beta 3 is now available. We are now close to the final release, this beta should be the last one. The status of this final release is not determined yet, that’s why it’s a beta and not a release candidate like other *buntus. However, final release is still planned for the end of this month, or in very early May. New stuff since beta 2: many translations directly included; Lubuntu desktop PPA added by default on installation; up-to-date libfm and PCMan File Manager 2. We’d appreciate feedback about PCMan File Manager 2, the new file manager, which is still in beta state.

Untuk detail changelog dan daftar masalah yang telah ditemukan sampai saat ini anda bisa membaca pengumuman rilis.

Unduh: lubuntu-lucid-beta3.iso (512MB, MD5, torrent)

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