Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Linux Mint 201109 “Debian GNOME”, “Debian Xfce”

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Rilis baru edisi Debian Linux Mint telah dirilis. Menampilkan mekanisme update rolling release dengan piranti lunak yang telah diupdate yang diambil dari repositori Debian testing :

Linux MintAvailable in both 32-bit and 64-bit variants as live DVDs with GNOME or Xfce; the purpose is to look identical to the main edition and to provide the same functionality while using Debian as a base; all Linux Mint 11 features; installer improvements (keyboard variants, locale, bug fixes, UUID in fstab); update packs, dedicated Update Manager and staged repositories; GTK+ 2/3 theme compatibility; updated software and packages.

Anda dapat membaca pengumuman rilis jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih detail mengenai rilis ini.


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