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Rilis FreeBSD 7.4-RC2

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Ken Smith mengumumkan ketersediaan kandidat rilis kedua FreeBSD 7.4, update terbaru cabang “production legacy” proyek FreeBSD. Kutipan dari pengumuman rilis:

FreeBSDThe second release candidate for the FreeBSD 7.4 release cycle is now available. An initial set of pre-build packages are available on the DVD and CD-ROM images for the amd64 architecture. At the time the i386 images were created the two large meta-packages that are the bulk of what we normally provide (GNOME and KDE) were not available so there are some packages on the i386 images but what is there is not a reflection of what we expect to include with the final release. Several bugs we feel are critical enough to warrant fixing before the 8.2/7.4 releases are finalized, so the release will be delayed and we will be providing a third release candidate about a week from now.

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