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Rilis BackBox Linux 2.01

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Raffaele Forte mengumumkan rilis BackBox Linux 2.01, distribusi Linux berbasis Ubuntu dalam bentuk live DVD yang didesain untuk pekerjaan penetrasi keamanan dan penilaian keamaman:

BackBox LinuxThe BackBox team is proud to announce the release 2.01 of BackBox Linux.The new release includes features such as Ubuntu 11.04, Linux Kernel 2.6.38 and Xfce 4.8.0. What’s new: system upgrade; performance boost; new look; improved start menu; bug corrections; new sections such as Forensic Analysis, Documentation & Reporting and Reverse Engineering; new hacking tools and updated tools such as Dradis 2.8, ettercap, John the Ripper 1.7.8, Metasploit 4.2, Nmap 5.51, SET 2.5.2, Sleuth Kit 3.2.1, w3af 1.0, weevely 0.5, Wireshark 1.6.3.

Anda dapat membaca detail lebih lanjut mengenai rilis ini di pengumuman rilis termasuk kebutuhan sistem untuk distri ini.

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