Tutorial Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Rilis Alpine Linux 2.2.0

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Natanael Copa mengumumkan rilis Alpine Linux 2.2.0, sistem operasi yang dikembangkan komunitas yang didesain untuk x86 routers, firewalls, VPNs, Box VoIP dan server:

Alpine LinuxThe Alpine Linux project is pleased to announce immediate availability of version 2.2 of its Alpine Linux operating system. This release introduces several new features: a new Linux kernel branch based on 2.6.38 with all of the Alpine patches either re-based or included in upstream Linux sources; new support for the x86_64 architecture; SHA512 password hashing security; preliminary support for grsecurity Role Based Access Control; enhanced disk partitioning and installation tool (setup-disk); improved package management tools (apk); support for read-only boot file systems; added GNOME desktop environment….

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