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NetBSD 5.1 RC1

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Soren Jacobsen mengumumkan ketersediaan release candidate pertama NetBSD 5.1:

On behalf of the NetBSD Release Engineering team, I am proud to announce that the first release candidate of NetBSD 5.1 is now available for download. Those of you who prefer to build from source can continue to follow the netbsd-5 branch, but the netbsd-5-1-RC1 tag is available as well. There have been quite a lot of changes since 5.0. See src/doc/CHANGES-5.1 for the full list, or your platform’s INSTALL notes for a summary. Please help us test this and any upcoming release candidates as much as possible. Remember, any feedback is good feedback. We’d love to hear from you, whether you’ve got a complaint or a compliment.

Anda bisa membacapengumuman rilis dan changelog untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Image CD Instalasi untuk 41 arsitektur prosesor dapat diunduh dari sini; Tautan untuk mengunduh versi i386 dan amd64(SHA512):

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