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Download Unity Linux 2011 Alpha 2

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Derrick Devine mengumumkan rilis alpha kedua Unity Linux 2011, distribusi minimalis tetapi dapat dikustomisasi secara mendalam berbasis Mandriva Linux :

Unity LinuxThe developers at the Unity Linux project are pleased to announce a brand new alpha snapshot of the upcoming 2011 release. The 2011 alpha 2 release provides a few big updates to core packages, but the emphasis on the 2011 release continues to be maintaining stability during structural changes that will accommodate a move toward Mandriva repositories. This release shows our new aim which is to provide JEOS (Just Enough Operating System) to give users a core to build upon. The Unity developers are aiming for an Arch-Linux-Like approach to things with future releases.

Anda dapat membaca pengumuman rilis untuk detail lebih lanjut mengenai rilis ini termasuk changelog dan masalah yang sudah diketahui.


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