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Download Scientific Linux 6.1 Beta 1

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Troy Dawson mengumumkan ketersediaan rilis beta pertama Scientific Linux 6.1, distribusi berbasis Red Hat dengan piranti lunak ekstra yang sering digunakan di lingkungan akademis dan penelitian:

Scientific LinuxThe first beta of Scientific Linux 6.1 has been released. All of the recompiled packages have passed our tests to our satisfaction. We do not expect the packages that we get from the upstream vendor to change. Although we see a few tweaks and changes before release candidate, these should all be minor. I believe we have made it past the last major hurdles. Changes since alpha 2: libguestfs – recompiled against a different repository so that it better matched our golden image; qemu-kvm – recompiled against several different repositories, our version does not require several libX libraries….

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Sebagai catatan tambahan, image live berisi Scientific Linux 5.6 juga sudah siap untuk dites

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