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Download Dreamlinux 5

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Proyek Dreamlinux kembali ke peredaran dengan merilis versi 5 pada awal tahun 2012 ini. Dreamlinux merupakan distribusi desktop berbasis Debian yang menyajikan desktop Xfce desktop, antar muka pengguna mirip Mac OS X, aplikasi perkantoran SoftMaker dan kernel Linux terbaru dari seri 3.1. Dari halaman fitur:

Dreamlinux100% Debian ‘Testing’ compatibility; minimalist desktop with the most recent stylized Xfce 4.8 full of new custom features; safe updates through dist-upgrade; powerful modern installer which allows for an easy and swift installation in less than 5 minutes; exclusive boot system which makes for a quick initialization – can be installed from a DVD media or any Flash memory, VFAT-formatted device; Ruby, Lua, Vala, C, C++, Python and Perl programming environments, plus common development libraries already in place for immediate use.

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